Kuwait Dating Single Woman - Kuwait City, Al Asimah - l4sunshine

l4sunshine är 33 år gammal, singel kvinna ursprungligen från Libanon och bor i Kuwait City, Kuwait.
l4sunshine vill hitta en man från hennes land eller runt ! känner du samma behov ?
Kuwait City - Kuwait
It's hard to describe in words your values, mentality and who you are. That's why you'll find out who i am and what kind of person i am when you get to know me..But the only thing that i would like to say at the moment and what really bothers me is people who are not serious and want to play around. For those people i kindly want to tell them that I'm certainly not the one to look at or think of :)
Jag förväntar mig att min partner har dessa särdrag:
I believe that compatibility, love, honesty and respect leads to happiness and successful relation..I look for the important standards and values in my partner, someone who is thoughtful, respectable, honest, responsible, successful and ambitious, someone who knows how to treat his life partner and make her feel happy and secure..

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