South Africa Dating Single Man - Wynberg 7800, Western Cape - mohd50 Muslim

mohd50 is 52 years old, single man originary from South Africa and living in Wynberg, South Africa.
mohd50 want to find a woman from his country or around ! do you feel the same need ?
Wynberg - South Africa
Practsng muslim, prolific readr & able to ngage n a wide spectrum of topics. Ardent hikr. campr & nature lovr who prefers t b envelopd by mountains, forests & evn deserts, rathr thn beng boxd n by buildngs .. so if you knck on my dr & thre's no-one home, you know whre to find me.
Wht bettr envirnmnt t reflect the existnce & omnipresnce of tht ALL POWERFL REALITY thn whn engulfd by the beautiful & majstic surroundngs of HIS creatn.
I am fiercly loyal to thse vry clse to me & strve to be fair ..
I expect that my partner have those particularities:
Beautiful both inside & out . who is prepared to travel & share the turbulent path of life with me & endure whatever life throws at us & who view these as tests rather than bad or good times who is keen to work together with me to realize a good space for ourselves !!

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