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767pilot 55 歲
Kuwait City
Perfect thing can be found in the relation between two people who are looking for love
k10ttt 27 歲
Kuwait City District Two
طالب هندسه لدي اعاقه حركيه اي اني علي كرسي متحرك ولكني اسوق سياره واقوم اغلب الاشي...
eslam91 33 歲
Kuwait City District Two
اهم شي بالعلاقة احترام مشاعر الاخرين ليس مشاعر البشر لعبة
لست ممن يحلمون و لكني مم...
لست ممن يحلمون و لكني مم...
boshaker91 33 歲
Kuwait City District Two
a 27 years old facial plastic surgeon who loves traveling. Planning plenty of upcoming trips, which include to destinations like bali, brazil, argenti...